Flashback #2 : The Truth Behind the Lie

Two years ago….

Jasmine pushed the embers of camp fire around in the ash with a long spoon. The Araxian sky was still dark but for the faint red hue in the horizon. Her party were yet to begin rousing themselves from their slumber. She envied them their sleep. Jasmine's night's had been restless and dreamless. Even amongst this small group of her most loyal followers, she sensed their disquiet. Every Inspirtu Preceptor had, in their traditions and superstitions, had the ability to glimpse the future though dreams and drug-induced visions.  That line of Preceptors five hundred years old had been swept aside in the new order of Adherents and the Congregation.  An Adherent who could no longer dream.

Taryn al-Sayal joined her at the camp fire, her blood-soaked dagger at her side.

“Only a few survive, Adherent. The rest appear to have died where they lay.”

Jasmine turned to the Desert Born outcast, whose long black hair fell lank and dirty around her neck. Taryn was loyal – she was her trusted lieutenant, advisor and Commander of the Guard. Most of all she was her friend.

“Did they suffer? I hope they suffered Taryn. I hope those blood skinned monsters suffered long and hard.”

“They suffered. I put the worst out of their misery. Two are still alive but not for long. One of them keeps grinning at me.”


“Aye, grinning. The other one is feverish, coughing up blood. I should slit their throats…”

Jasmine nodded. It was the humane thing to do. She put to one side thoughts of whether such humanity was deserved. After all, these foul creatures had massacred hundreds of her own people and forced the few survivors into a reluctant exile. Taryn, as if knowing what she was thinking, put a hand on her shoulder – “You weren’t to know they’d be sold into slavery. At least they’re alive.”

“Yes we did, Taryn. We both knew. Maybe they’d have had more dignity if they’d walked into the desert and let the sand claim them”

“Maybe they would. But while they’re alive the history of the Inspirtu survives with them.  That counts for something.”

Jasmine stood up and paced across the camp. “Do you know why the bloodskins did it?”

Taryn nodded as she cleaned the blood from the finer parts of her blade. “Because we found the burial site. That’s what made slitting their throats that much easier.”

Adherent Moonshade whispered “Praise Musaii” to herself and clenched the Jade necklace that hung around her neck. “Do we know why they’re so ill?”

“I’ve seen it’s ugly face before. It’s the Black Pox. Never thought I’d see it again.“

The Adherent turned on her heel. “The Black Pox? How can that be?”

Taryn placed her dagger back in it’s sheath, pursing her lips but not speaking.

"Speak freely Taryn. I welcome your advice. Do not hold your tongue so tightly!”

Taryn looked down at the ground, preparing herself and then stood up. “You brought back too many bad memories, your holiness. Musaii was silenced, one way or another, when she challenged the Laandsrat. With the Messiah out of the way, they could cure the Black Pox and make reap the rewards themselves. Maybe it was for riches or perhaps it was for the power but pay no mind to the Laandsrat banning the Blood Cure. At that point it was already too late. We’ve seen the desiccated corpses for ourselves. Drained of their blood. We know what happened. But the pox passed and Araxes continued on ….until you started scrawling messages on the Magistrate’s walls. That is when they knew this wasn’t over, Jasmine Moonshade. That is why our Sanctuary was burnt to the ground. It’s why they tried to massacre each and every one of us. They were trying to rip out our tongues and bury us and the truth in the sand. It’s the reason that these monsters are dying now.  We know the truth, Jasmine. We know the truth.”

Taryn strode over and placed her hands on Jasmine’s shoulders and stared intensely into her ruler’s eyes. “Understand this and act upon it. These monsters, who massacred our kinsfolk, our children, are as much victims as we are. Someone has infected them with the intention of wiping out any connection that could be made between them and the people who paid them to act against us. As a Desert Born, my blood will prevent my infection but we must pray to Musaii that you and the others will be spared. This pox cannot spread beyond this camp site Adherent. We must not let it.”

Jasmine strove to hide her fear from her face and stared into the rising sun on the horizon.

“Then kill the bloodskins now. Before the infection can spread.”

“It may already be too late, Jasmine.”

“Then what would you have me do?”

Taryn paused and then spoke. Call them out. Let them know we have this virus – let them know we know how to use it against them.  Take your pen and scribe a speech to the Imperial City. Let us see who reacts and what actions they take. We may yet unmask them.”

Jasmine squinted as the sun rose before turning and nodding. “As always, your counsel is wise, but if we fail to provoke them, then what?”

The Commander of the Guard, Taryn al-Sayal, let out a sigh and touched her blade, a sign that Jasmine understood immediately. If they could not make their hidden enemy react then no-one would leave their camp site alive.

///Transmission Begins/////

My name is Jasmine Moonshade. Some of you will know me as the Adherent, the spiritual leader of the Jade Revolution. Some of you will also be aware of the atrocity deep in the Evangeline province that resulted in the deaths of several hundred innocent people. Of course, as with the investigation into the supposed death of Jade Moonkill, your interest in justice became confused with your own selfish needs. Located on Araxes, I have placed six containers of the SAF virus, otherwise known as the Black Pox. This virulent new strain is much, much worse than you could possibly imagine. My intention is not to scare you ,my Land of Rats, for I know there is little that can terrify you more than the blackness of your own hearts. Should I release this virus,you will know whom to thank for your death unlike those who perished at the Sanctuary.  Time grows short and I grow weary of life. My final game has begun, friends. Let us see how it plays out.

///Transmission Ends////


Flashback #1

The odour of the putrefying corpses at the rear of the wagon had become too much and Jasmine felt the vomit hit the back of her throat. Such violent eruptions were dangerous in the heat of the desert. Her bodysuit, a crude and inferior Inspirtu clone of much more advanced and efficient Desertborn technology, was already struggling to keep her alive.

She kneeled on the sand, letting the last remaining contents of her stomach pass between her teeth. Her mind swirled with tumultuous thoughts, struggling to maintain clarity amongst the rush of images and emotions that overtook her. The J-SAF virus coursed through her veins and her Moonbaby metabolism fought tirelessly against the virulent invaders that attacked every cell within her body.

Not for the first time, she noticed blood in the viscous substance she saw seeping into the sand.

No matter.

J-SAF would be her revenge. The acolytes in the back of her wagon would fulfil one last action for her.  J-SAF had taken hold of them all, one way or another. Now they would spread death amongst the lazy, insolent and bloated Concordat.