All you need to know - background and important figures

Adherent : (a.k.a Jasmine Moonshade) The Jadeist leader. Found dying in the desert and suffering from a form of amnesia. Apprentice of Inspirtu Preceptor Cadiz, she has the same form of albinism as Jade Moonkill. Conditioned to believe she is destined to lead the Jadeist Revolution from the Sanctuary to the Imperium and beyond.

Jade Moonkill : The Jadeist messiah. A native of the moon Ghost where tetra-calciumsulphates are mined and subsequently effected by a syndrome resulting in a form of albinism. Sold by her family to pay for equipment, her Moon-Baby immune system made her especially suitable for 'Organ Legging' - growing or stealing organs and storing them inside hosts until they could be extracted for paying customers. Former seamstress at Calina Tereshenko's dress shop at Eavesdown Docks, Persephone with a passion for animals and other harmless creatures. Travelled to the Botany Bay colony before arriving on Araxes where she became a powerful political figure in the fledgling Beit Dawla. Forced into hiding, her disappearance was covered up by a carefully planned "assassination". Re-emerged several years later educated and in a more robust physical and mental state than ever before having been the secret leader of a rebellion movement on Ghost. [Jade's Blog]

Moon Baby : A colloquialism given to babies born affected with the Moon Baby syndrome caused by overdose of tetra-calciumsulphates during pregnancy. Moon Baby's have a range of congenital defects including sensory, immune and visual disabilities. Symptoms vary from person to person but the condition is managed by the drug Solpropral. Moon Baby's are considered as second-class citizens on their homeworld, even by their families, and routinely consider this to be the case themselves.

Tink : Tink is a mysterious Moon Baby-esque figure that dwells beneath the city of Al Raqis.  Little is known of her.

Zira Genesis : Mysterious associate of the Jade Revolution. Her past is clouded in secrecy but is rumoured to associate with another mysterious figure known only as "Tink".

Calina Tereshchenko : Former Legate of Al Raqis.  Trained Companion and daughter of powerful political figures in the Alliance. She is considered a holy figure by the Jadeists because of her friendship with Jade. She is implicitly trusted by the Jadeists although that trust is not necessarily returned in kind. [Calina's blog]

Taryn Al Sayal : Desert Born outcast. Sought refuge with the Inspirtu and is the bodyguard and body-double of Jasmine Moonshade. Powerful figure within the Jadeist movement.

Auryn Sapeur: Orion Advocate and important member of the Laandsrat. Guardian of Jasmine Moonshade after The Adherent's exile from Araxes following the J-SAF incident. Currently missing en-route to The Orion Confederation.

Inspirtu : A tribe of outcasts numbering between four and seven thousand. They left Al Raqis centuries ago seeking refuge in the desert. They believe that the dead walk amongst the living ( a result of the trauma of losing so many of their people during the exodus ) and that certain sensitives can communicate with the spirits through visions. They primarily live below ground and are nocturnal by necessity. They have particular reverence for the moon.

Cadiz : The last Preceptor of the Inspirtu and first leader of the Araxian version of the Jadeist faith. A powerful orator and teacher, he led the "Peaceful Revolution" that saw the Jadeist movement gain control of the Inspirtu. Assassinated.

Preceptor : Spiritual figure amongst the Inspirtu. They are teachers and orators whose role is to preserve the customs of their tribe. They use by-product of a plant to have visionary states that they believe allows them to communicate with the dead. They were influential figures in Inspirtu society. Replaced by Adherents.

Lilybell Snoodle : A genetic construct created by the BlueSun corporation. Considered eccentric and untrustworthy by many. Seems to be connected in some way with a mysterious entity known as Ardra. The first "outsider" to make contact with the Jadeists. [Lily's Blog]

Sanctuary of Ghosts : The Sanctuary or Santwarju was the above ground entry to the underground seeq of the Inspirtu. It was difficult to find and is usually mistaken for a smuggler's den when it was. This "camouflage" was a useful aid to the Inspirtu when encountering strangers for the first time. Destroyed in what became known as the start of "The Age of Tribulation".

Seer, The : Mysterious female who passed through the Ritual and survived where others died. Advisor to Preceptors and Adherents.

The Age of Tribualtion : The period following the destruction of Seeq Inspirtu. Also known as the Years of Wilderness.

Remnants Survivors of the destruction of the Sanctuary of Ghosts that still adhere to religion and ethos of the Jadist Congregation.

Inspirtu Reformationist - Survivors of the destruction of the Sanctuary of Ghosts that disavow the Jadist Congregation and have returned to their original faith.

Jadist Congregation - Religious movement championed by Preceptor Cadiz who became captivated by Jade Moonkill during her stay at the Sanctuary. His beliefs were confirmed when he discovered Jasmine Moonshade in the desert and believed she had been sent to guide them by Jade Moonkill.

Jade Revolution - (not to be confused with the Jadist Congregation) The Jade Revolution is a catch-all term used to describe any movement that champions the values of Jade Moonkill. The term is used by both the Jadist Congregation and members of the Moonbaby revolutionary forces on Ghost, amongst others.

J-SAF - A virulent new strain of the SAF virus attributed to the Jadist Congregation. Gifted to the Jadists by strangers, J-SAF affected many members of the Sancutary community causing madness, increased aggression and finally death, it later found its way to the Concordat cities when Jasmine delivered several infected corpses to various locations.

SAF - A highly contagious disease that affected Araxes many years ago which could allegedly only be cured by using the blood of the native Desert-born. Unsubstantiated rumours persist that major pharmaceutical companies on Araxes may have secretley slaughtered many hundreds of Desert-born before a cure could be found. Jade Moonkill was a pivitol figure in campaigning against such actions being legalised.

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